Monday, September 01, 2008


American TV Can Damage Your Psyche

This may not seem like news to you, however I was just hoping for a little mindless pleasure when I purchased some used DVDs from an Internet recycling group (kind of like an online garage sale for people living in Japan). I have watched exactly four episodes of Brothers and Sisters and I am wondering if the program is more trouble than it is worth. It makes me ache for my family, warts and all, heck especially the warts! I feel so far, so disconnected and yes, it is true that when I came to Japan I was looking to escape their closeness somewhat, to try to discover who I am outside of them, but I never imagined I'd stay here after I'd figured that out. I never imagined, when I promised to stay, that watching a simple TV drama would cut me like a knife. Why can't the damn thing be set in New York instead of California?

Check out ABC.Com full episodes to see what is going on on "Brothers and Sisters." Do U.S. videos work on your television?

Aunt J
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